Believe it or not, Homestead Furniture
began in a former chicken coop! Today, Homestead Furniture is located
about a mile north of the original
location in a beautiful 27,000 sq. ft. showroom with our custom
furniture factory across the street. Professional interior design and
custom furniture design. (866) 674-4902
We are not your typical Amish furniture store. While you'd be hard pressed to find affordable custom designed furniture in large population centers, it would be equally hard to find a professional interior design and furniture design staff so far out in the country. At Homestead, you will find both. You will also find some of America's most legendary furniture brands, including Norwalk, Harden, Classic Leather and even La-Z-Boy.
How did such a diverse collection of hardwood, upholstered and custom designed furniture come about? Blame it on our surroundings. If you stand on our front porch you can see horse-drawn buggies going by. Across the street and a little to the right is a shining white, Miami-style office building, home to the Wayne-Dalton Garage Door Company. To the left is a small, yellow brick schoolhouse. White clapboard farms dot the surrounding hills and, in early spring, four-horse teams plow the fields. A half-mile south is the intersection of State Route 241 and County Road 77 where a cluster of six or seven buildings mark the town of Mt. Hope. Mrs. Yoder's Kitchen sits on one corner … so good.
We find this an exceptionally creative and inspiring place to live and work. It is a place that values craftsmanship and fair business dealings. Here we are surrounded by people who turn, bend, stain, carve and otherwise craft hardwoods to create fine furniture. Some people find it surprising that America's furniture manufacturing heartland is moving to Holmes County, Ohio, but if you lived here you would understand. Here, when we talk business, we talk about finding ways to make better furniture, not ways to set up offshore manufacturing. Here, there is always someone who can look at a particularly tough project and say, "Sure, I can do it for you." It is a nice community to be part of when furniture is important to you.
In our most recent advertising we have been developing a closing line that we think expresses the feeling people find at Homestead Furniture. "Come explore. Leave as a friend." Please do.